My sister and I have a great relationship now that we are adults. I guess for "kid" sisters, we got along as well as most kid sisters do--but it took growing up for us to really enjoy each other and become best friends. That shared experience of childhood, the family, and the love we all shared really means a lot to both of us. I made this layout as a challenge at our recent online crop at 2 peas.
The journaling says My sister and I were very different growing up. She was always the perfect one and I was the family clown.
Look at her! She's standing there so perfectly with her gun straight out! If I shot MY gun, I would have shot her in the foot!! In the other photo, I remember that day we got our pictures taken. It was at home--there was a photographer that came to our neighborhood. The photographer made Patsy put her arms around me like she really liked me, but Patsy kept tickling me!! I was always so ticklish--and I couldn't sit still!! And I hated my midriff bare!!
I had BIRDS on my mind when I made this layout!! My daughter (last name Bird) was getting ready to deliver the new grandson!! :)